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If you grow a quality hemp plant Rocky Mountain Hemp Traders provides options for you to sell your crop at a high value. If you are looking to increase the value of your harvest, we can provide the tools and resources to do so.
Our company offers a program specifically designed to help farmers grow their crops with confidence. We offer guaranteed minimum rates for their crop based on grade and variety, and provide a network of resources to help them grow the highest quality product. Our team also assists farmers in maximizing the value of their crop by providing a list of vetted vendors who meet our high standards.
Additionally, we offer an outlet for all types of fibers, herd, grain and bio-mass, and provide demand forecasting to enable farmers to grow products in line with market demands.
Rocky Mountain Hemp Traders exists to create a bright future for agriculture and manufacturing in North America through hemp. We strive to connect farmers to production facilities and create lasting relationships that build the hemp industry into the reliable source of materials for the goods hemp can become.
We were founded by a common passion for creating a renewable source of goods that creates jobs and opportunities for Farmers across North America. Rocky Mountain Hemp Traders was established by Brian Higgins and Tom Heaton as a partnership of grower and producer that saw a common need to bridge the gap between the companies who manufacture great products using hemp and the farmers who can help our region build a new industry.